Sitting in the Back Seat? You Still Need to Buckle Up!

There is no doubt, seat belt use saves lives. Since the passage of laws requiring front seat belt use, the majority of Americans have made it a habit to buckle up (at least when they are sitting in the front seat). Data shows an almost 91% national use rate for 2019. Recent data also shows a 14% difference between front seat belt use (89%), and not wearing a seat belt in the back seat (75%). Experts say there are two main reasons for the difference: Twenty-two states and territories do not mandate the use of seat belts in back seats. Law enforcement and public information outreach efforts also seem to take a “back seat” approach when it comes to buckling up in the rear seat. Unbuckled Back Seat Injury Statistics Statistics compiled by state agencies, national traffic accident prevention associations, and others all agree that passengers not wearing a seat belt in the back seat are two to three times more likely to die in a car crash. Nationally, in 2018, 400 out of…